Thursday, February 24, 2022



-By Dr.Dame Amalavathy, Director, MEL
Flower opens, sent its perfume to the cosmic energy, bee smell the perfume and fly towards the flower. Have you ever seen flower going to the bees? When the same flower transforms into a fruit, man is attracted to the fruit. Here also fruit does not come to man. God mon God has come to the earth in search of human beings! Why are you going out in search of God? Do you ever have realized as to where you are heading towards and as to where you will find Him?
Dear ones, how long are you going to search? Even if you can go temple by temple, church by church, or for that. matter one place to another, I say, you will not find God whom you are searching for. Understanding the Spirit /search your spiritual path. Remember,visiting temple by temple, years may pass by! I tell you, all these visiting. rituals, searching God out side you. are all a waste of time.
You will only miss the grace of seeing. realizing, experiencing God, because he has already come to you.
By force if you open the bud, will it give perfume or will it come to be seen as flower? No sooner the flower transforms into a fruit and if you pluck it up and eat, will it be tasted sweet? As long as it is not grown fully, it will not turn to be sweet and does not attract anybody. You need a full growth.
Our parents have given this body, and God has given Himself to us; and as per the law of life, as soon as there is. light in the body it starts living. Now, this is a child to be fed. For example. look at the cat. It is searching for a place where its kittens are not disturbed by the human beings. It catches the throat of its kitten, run place to place only to give safety for prace to them. In the same way, parents have their child/bilden given life to their child/children. Parents have to shoulder their responsibility for giving security to their child and for shaping its life to elevate for oneself and to serve God and others in the society, by providing positive atmosphere for the child until it takes up its responsibility. Until the root is capable of sucking water and energy from the earth, we have to give all minerals and water besides giving general protection for the plants. This is an age where children cannot take their responsibility for their life. So the parents have to feed the child.
In the next stage, the child wants to lead its life and wants to take up responsibility for its life. Well before that, if parents had given all the foundation for them, children can stand on their own legs. They will then try to lead their life independently. In this stage, parents should be very loving and supporting them and gently showing the way to lead their life Tha de chould without fear. The children should be taught to come and ask parents what they see and hear outside the house.. If strange changes are coming up to be seen physically, parents shall instruct the children to correct their error, emphasizing that if such changes are not corrected right then, they would fail in life and further instruct them to train themselves for their existence outside the society. Friends, children shall be taught to feel free to share with the parents what all they see/hear good and bad in the Now society. Now the children should feel responsible for what they say and do. Then the children will be and sincere and without fear. If the children form a habit of sharing their feelings with the parents, they form a strong foundation for life. If they are frightened and they do not experience love in their nicy not houses, they will go outside for love. They will be caught up in an attraction action to infatuation of love and they conclude that that is 'love'. Thus they put up a foundation in negative way. and insincerity. If the foundation is in insincere or negative way, whatever they are to build they are going to on that negative/insincere personality or character, their body and mind would not form as a dwelling place of God or of any fellow human being/s. They nor would undergo miserable, unhappy and unhealthy life.
To lead a happy life, how one has to take responsibility for life? We need to have some characters, one of which is 'sincerity'. In life. everybody meet with personalities having different characters and different outlooks. So now all we have to ask God is for wisdom to know what/who is good and bad. So, we have to look for good friends who have good characters, especially sincerity.
So, by this time, for a child the period of feeding is over and it may learn to eat and act by itself with its own. wisdom. Now the child would decipher as to what is good for it, what would harm its body and mind, what would it like and dislike. The child must be able to choose his own character in particular and personality as a whole.
Today you as a grown up personality have learned of tastes favourable for you. Now you have to choose what is good for You need your body, mind and spirit. d to understand that feeding is needed for the body not for the tongue, thereby you may gain control over your tongue and tastes. You must be sincere with your feelings.
This is a time to know that giving love is an icon of your growing in your inner personality. If you want to give somebody, you must understand as to whether you are matured enough to so give. If you feel that you are still you are sun immature, you have to realize that your your giving would not be accepted as a ripe sa fruit to taste sweet, and that you must control your feelings to say that you would still understand and grow more in life as to be able to give others.
We can give or express our love in the form of service and by kind words. You should understand your responsibility to give love to somebody only when you have you grown matu mature, as others. would reject your love for short of maturity. Till you attain maturity, you need to keep all your feelings under liccu keep an your your control. For example, if I plant a mango tree, after three years it gives flower. This is yet not a mature one to give a sweetened fruit. If you pluck the flowers, you are virtually not allowing them to become fruits at all.
The gardener has to wait sufficiently for a tree to yield matured fruits: Thus you need to allow the flowers to become fruits. Once the fruits are matured, the tree loses flowers. So until you grow in wholesome in body, mind and spirit, you should not give love to others. You must control your feelings and allow the body to become mature.
To keep all the feelings under control. you need to have relationship with God. So sit within yourself and realize God who has come in search of you and who is also in you. It Could Be Done Only Through Meditation And True Self Realiztion.
Here you have to ask God: "Who am I? Why did I come to earth? What is my character? What is my personality? What I want to achieve in my life. What is my ultimate goal? How to walk in my spiritual path? How will I fulfill my mission?"
In the childhood we experience all what we have seen and heard, and the same has translated in us as our character. Now, you choose your own character. You are responsible for your character. The character which you do not like, you shall uproot that. You shall build up what is positive in character. You can do that only in meditation
By practicing meditation, automatically. you attain God-consciousness and build relationship with God and speak with Him. Your parents have put up a foundation for you. Now, it is your duty to build a mansion over the said
foundation. You shall build your own house and God can help you to do so.
If you put up a house according to your own interest and taste, who is going to live in the said house? This is a house made up of sand, cement, stones, bricks, mortar mortar. Do you think that God will come and stay in that house? If you want God to live in that house, you should have first consulted Him and constructed according to the insight given by Him.
So, in this age, first thing you should bear in mind that you should be sincere with yourself and the God. When you were small, your parents led you to the temple and taught you as to how to reach God and how to ask God. If you ask, God will give you whatever that helps you to grow in life.
Till this stage, parents have put up a foundation for your material and spiritual life as well. I say, at this age you shall search for God. The common sta sear question that comes up from the heart is: "Where God is?" or "Is there a God at all?". You shall understand, the question has come up from the heart', the answer for such question has also to be unearthed from the heart' itself and not outside it. Instead of asking others and out there, calmly learn to sit in one place. put every question to God and He ithin certainly answers each of them within you! Hearing or waiting to hear what God says is the aim of meditation. Thus you realize that the temple or church is only inside you and not outside. Your body is a Temple or Church of God.
You have to build personal relationship with God. All the rituals have led you to this. Now. you find out from the rituals that you need to build a personal relationship with God, who came in search of you, and is in you and within Tyou and within you but He only is playing a game of hide and seek with you. You need to grow mature enough to find Him as to - where He, who is He and how is He. That maturity is given by God as 'grace, and it is not subject of acquisition on merits at all.
What you need to do is only to close your eyes and open your inner eye and travel within you to search for God who is hiding right there. Once you discover Him, say to Him: "Come. Come. Stop hiding from me. Stop gaming. Let us live together". You have to dialogue with Him saying "Why did not you come i search for me early? What have you planned for me ahead of my life? What you expect my! Yan you me to do for you? Tell me, I will do it for you. At this moment, God's momem. God becomes one energy and your energy becom Then you start your 'sincere life with yourself. With this blended energy. you will grow physically, mentally and emotionally. In this period, you have to develop lots of characters and to allow them to reflect as your refle personality. Here, every character will yield its own fruit. So, build lots of characters of kindness, mercy, helping others, going out to reach others and render service to others, understand others in right perspective. All these are branches or different facets of love, true love.
More such branches of love one has, more the flower will it blossom; and more the flowers one has, more the fruits will it yield, making total personality of the human beings as serene and perfect. All flowers will e fruits and all fruits will not become fruits not be eaten by human beings. This is a truth one has to realize. All what you have to see is: whether your fruit is sweet enough or not, and do not bother who eats it. So, now, the human beings are attracted towards you, because they see not your face but God's face in you. Why not God Himself be attracted to you?
If that be so, why are you going place to place and temple by temple in search of God.?
If you are not having enough power nor have grown up in your inner-self, like a monkey you will all the time be jumping branch to branch, place to 10 place, playing your own game. Once you learn to surrender yourself to God. maturity crowns It shows the maturity you. character of monkey. Mother other monkey keeps on jumping from branch to branch, place to place. But, the child monkey tries to help its mother in its habit of jumping by holding the belly of the mother tightly. Child monkey do not at all say to its mother not to jump, because it never feels it to be a strange one since jumping nature is in the blood itself. Here, mother monkey wants to teach the child right from the wwants to ight fron beginning that that is the way it has t live a life and not otherwise; thereby the mother monkey is teaching by practicals to its offspring that it shall. learn to jump as it jumps branch to branch. If the mother monkey sits at one place, immediately it allows the child to go and play out there and t never holds the child all through. Child monkey jumps and runs as it likes and s to how to search for its food. ite food learns as to. In the meanwhile, mother monkey will be watching and guarding from any danger to the to the child monkey monkey senses any danger for the child, immediately it gives If mother for the alior it gives a peculiar sound, hearing which the child comes and catches the belly of the mother and the mother monkey jumps off and gets afar from the danger. In a similar way, God does with us.
In our personal relationship. God sometimes intuits us to clearly hear Him say: "I am already with you and within you. Why do you search Me out there? Recognize Me from inside and be happy." Many a time, we think we are alone. But He is all the time watching us as mother watches her toddler to be in the safer zone. When He sees some danger to us. immediately He comes and picks us up as to avert from the ensuing danger. Then we feel secured. He does that many a time and He will make us grow Je to stand mature. Once we learn to without fear, with full trust believing that God never leaves us alone and instead loves us, He lovingly pats us to go and bring others to Him. He further says that we be Не Him as with His partner and join Him in his plan of the Universe. We may fail many a time to so hear the voice of God, because we are on this carthly zone having been attracted by money, name, fame.
familial relationship. Once we see danger. He gives us signal to say "Come to me to feel secured", and we immediately go and cling to Him. If we turn our deaf ears to His advise, we may go astray, and then we certainly meet with danger and fall down. He allows all that to happen, because we have not obeyed Him.
So, after 'sincerity, next character we must have is "to be obedient to Him - obedience to God's voice and obedience to do His things. If we want to obey His voice, we must have humility within us. If we inculcate inner humility, all the good keeps innor happening for us: name, fame and money comes to us. All that is given to us shall be given back to Him saying "All that has come to us is e to us is because of You, and because You are with us; og you, and ure and as such all the booty belongs to You and not us. So, now the fruit is how sweet enough for others to eat. The moment the fruit is ripened, the tree shakes making the fruit detaches from its trunk for others to use it for their good. The tree does not bother who is eating its fruits.
When the fruit is very tasty, people from different places will come and search for it, and taste and enjoy it. Like that, boys and girls have grown well with their character and wen personality: and as such, the boy and the girl may come in search of each of them and the parents need not go and search for alliance for their children. Here, others will come to you and ask whether you give your son/daughter in marriage for their daughter/son.
They will be liking to have such a son in-law/daughter-in-law who is sweet in love and feel blessed if such boys/ girls comes to their house, saying the girl to be 'Lakshmi' and the boy to be "Narayana" for their house to develop fool in complete harmony. They further feel that their house would become a Temple or School if such boy/girl comes to their house in marriage to their respective children. They will be liking to have children from such girl/boy. So. grand why should we go in search for all that It ic a law of happens automatically? is attraction. The energy which goes from you, attracted by the similar energy which comes from others. Others will find love, peace and joy in the presence of you.
Wherever go, you are a builder of peace and not a destroyer of it. You can build many families. So, you do not search for anybody nor for God Others will come in search of you. If you build up the character sincerity, obedience and humility-your love will be manifesting not only in you but also in also the face of others. Becoming able or attaining ability matters much for the God and the men alike to be the dog and attracted to you; and by the lack of it, attracted to you, and by the lack you cannot search God out there. God will be realized in you if you become pure in every thought, speech and act. So, I say, please do not search for God outside you but make your mind and body fit, and by the law of attraction, God and men alike will be attracted to you.
God bless each of you to gain such ability for God to be realized within you.
May be an image of text that says "WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR GOD? -By Dr.Dame Amalavathy, Director, MEL"
Shashi Kumar Nayak and Ibrahim Sajanith
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