Thursday, February 24, 2022


 Malarga Manitham (May 2015):

Translated in English by : Mr. M. Arunkumar
In today's scientific world, people have bitterness feeling when they come across the word spirituality. Not only that, it brings
them laughter. Need to clarify them what is spirituality.It is not a difficult penance. Its a penance doing out of mercy.
It is not about going to this temple, that temple, offering remedies. There is nothing like god has to be worshipped through rituals only.
These all are arranged by humans. Is it only in this way, it is possible to go into spirituality? It is not.
Then what is meant by real spirituality?
Spirituality means its a big awareness, knowing the self, knowing the completeness (totality). Why we have come? what is the purpose?
Feel the soul inside ourself, listen to its voice, obey, lead the life, accept ourself, accept the characters that are
to be changed, make the soul inside us, to be happy, healthy, peacefull is spirituality.
The happy soul likes to share the happiness that sprouts from inside. This sharing is focused towards outside, so love others.
This will try to accept others. In this way it will build the relationship. After forming the relationship is it possible to be quite?
It begins to feel others difficulties/problems as ours. It begins to help others. This is called as Mercifull act.
Mercy means solving, 1. Others hunger, 2. disease 3.poverty, 4. removes others ignorance and gives wisdom,
5. Delivers to change the death panic to how to win/conquer the death.
Happy soul speaks philosophy about birth and death. If we die from heaven, we are born at earth.
If we die from earth, we are born at heaven. It means soul has birth only and no death.
In this way, we live ourself and let others to live is called as spirituality.
Each and every soul coming to earth has to learn this spirituality. The duty of the parents giving the body to the baby in the womb
is to give this real spirituality. While swinging the baby in cradle, the parents should know about giving divine link and patriatism.
If you want to tell What is meant by spirituality in a nutshell? From womb to death give love to yourself, similarly love
others is spirituality.

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ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா? நம் 'HUE வகுப்பு நமக்கு சொல்லி தருவது 'ஆன்மா' என்பது கடவுளின் ஒரு சிறிய பாகம். இது ஒரு சிறிய பாகமாக...