Thursday, February 24, 2022


 MM - December, 2005

- Dr.M.Amalvathy
Translated in English By. Mr. Arun Kumar
The only character that god has given to us is Truth. That is the reason we used to say wherever god is present there will be truth.
Wherever truth exists there god will be present. How come the character called truth emanated from god? How it become the character of
god? From God's thought creation started to appear one by one. God attains the satisfaction. When God said "Everything is complete,
beautifull and satisfied" and it is realized to be true, then the truth emanated.
Thats why we are saying, Wherever truth is god is present and wherever god is present truth exists.... This statement is termed
as Satya (unchangeable) has emanated from God's thought. So, the satya should be in our thoughts.
If we have satya in our thoughts when it comes out, it gets reflected in our words and actions. When it comes out, it emanates truth as the character.
For example, He said the truth, He did the truth, like this all the creations came from God is the truth. when he said the truth that everything is good,
the God, who came from love, created the characters truth and satya.
There are so many characters have been created in the world. Those characters where it has come from and who created it?
When love transforms to action, according to the action, people have named it. For example, when an action comes out after sensing other's troubles/problems,
love works in a secret way.... So, we call it as he is mercifull, he is compassionate. We also call God is mercifull.
Love - when we forgive others for the trouble they have given to us, he has got a big heart, it earns the name as he is a forgiving character.
That is why when we see god, we say forgiving god.
It seems to be many words and many characters. All these are originated from Love only.
In the same way, when Satya(unchangeable) comes into action, we used to say he is a truthfull person. Satya will not fail or die, truth is eternal.
If truth is there in a person's words, he is called a righteous person. He will do whatever he says. He is a responsible person. He has a character of dutifullness.
Like this we can go on saying. For all of this the origin is Satya and truth.
Now a question arises from my mind.... angry person, jealousy person, Betrayer. Like this we used tell about many characters, is it true? then in this case, what is the origin?
Let us think.
Let us say, they are playing songs. And asking everyone to dance. Immediately few people begin to dance. While seeing this, someother people feels to dance. They also join the dancing group
and dance. Few other people themselves could not dance but still they are watching the dance and saying they are enjoying and enjoy. Also they are happy since they are
dancing in their thoughts. Few people they say, do not know to dance and do not know to enjoy the dance and are seated.... What changes they are observing in their emotions?
Keep on enjoying... Waah what a dance he is dancing. The truth is expressed, saying he is a big dancer.... they are seeing the dance also. With that, they are seeing the dancers also.
Wishing them whole heartedly. Expressing the truth, saying that like you i will not be able to dance.
For the people who do not know to dance and enjoy, are hearing others truth. These people do not see the dance and they see the dancer.
Ego of these people with the feeling of pride - says "you do not know to dance like him".
If they change the view towards the dance, these people's emotion would have copied and sent it to mind. Mind would have sent the command to the legs to dance.
But, since these people's views focus on the dancer.... their minds goes towards negative thoughts. Immediately it swings into action and expressed in words.
Is this a dance? It is full of devil's dance.... he says, like this i do not know to dance and change their place. Though he change the place, could not change him from his thoughts.
The thought continues to work. Whatever he does is termed as jeolousy. Final point of jeolous people would be until you are there i could not live. Because in my thoughts,
you are there and saying the truth that i cannot dance like him. It keeps on saying this to the Ego. You seem to be a thorn to me. So it decides that i will definitely kill you and comes out
of the love and satya and decides to kill. Like this his ego drives him to go towards destructive activity.
For all the negative characters the origin is not able to accept the truth. When this starts working, Angry - jealousy takes over and leads to destructive character.
That is why we are saying, God cannot be present if truth does not exists. Thinking God will create and never destroys and let us see few negative characters,
sneak peek about others, speaking about others during their absence, building enemity between the two. Like this, if we begin to analyse all the negative characters,
finally what truth it will come to. Do not have courage to speak the Truth to the right person at the right time. If we do not have the courage to speak the truth means, accept that
and be quiet, in this way, we do not have to grow these bad characters. We do not have the courage to say the truth but we have the courage to speak the lie. Can you see that?
Notice it.
Shall we analyse the anger? Like a truthfull person, he can speak, shows in actions, make others to trust. If someone finds the truth and shows them, not even showing just ask the question,
that is sufficient, they will raise the voice and begin to shout. Then they begin to show the anger. Why? Because on seeing his anger, they will leave.
But without fear - say the truth and face the consequence, even then i will express the truth and again and again they will keep on saying the truth.
Accept the truth and again and again they will speak the truth in front of others. Sometimes they may accept - if it cannot be accepted - they say if he is there then it
will be a danger for us and tries to kill him. This is what happened. Lord Jesus.... the truth what he said was accepted by few people. But most of the people opposed him.
But Lord Jesus told I came as an evidence for the truth. What happens if we begin to face the consequence due to the enemity of the people who opposed him, we all know the truth.
All the god's messengers knows the love and truth very well. Thats why whoever wants to be the instrument of god, they should acquire this truth and love.
It has to be implemented in the life. For this only Saint Paul prayed, Oh God, bless us the boon, that is, when we need to say yes, we should say yes and
when we need to say no, we should say no.
HUE students, I should transform to be the instrument of god. We are asking god to offer the boon of healing by touching. If we want to be instruments in god's hands, does truth
exists in your thoughts? do you have love in your heart? first check yourself. Develop this. For those who likes to teach HUE, first check whether this character is in your life and develop
it. Then only, in the classes that you conduct, your life will speak more than your words.... that will change others, otherwise like Saint Paul says, just it will go as sound of the bell.
Students will say that you have taught well. But the class that you have conducted will not touch their life. In HUE, what i am conducting is not the class, not a lecture, not a speech....
please don't forget it is the education.
Through this, learn what God likes to teach you, meditate and acquire within yourself. Divine blessing shall guide you all.

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ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா? நம் 'HUE வகுப்பு நமக்கு சொல்லி தருவது 'ஆன்மா' என்பது கடவுளின் ஒரு சிறிய பாகம். இது ஒரு சிறிய பாகமாக...