Thursday, February 24, 2022

In the stage of the mind:


In the stage of the mind:

Dr. M. Amalavathy

Malarga Manitham 2006

English translation by Mr. Arunkumar

In the stage of the mind:

Drama is of different kinds, also drama stage is of many types. We have seen and enjoyed many dramas.

When we do and act many things, dramas are happening on the mind stage, do you know this truth... One of the drama is below,


Thought: Hello Emotion! How are you today? Are you fine?

Emotion: Very fine!

How are you?

Thought: Enough of being within the human being, so thought of coming out and relax.

Emotion: On seeing you coming out, immediately I also came out running. Let us get some fresh air outside.

Thought: Today this "Ego" made me tensed by speaking repeatedly about one thing happened. So, I thought of coming out for a while and go back.

Emotion: Do you know, my emotions boiled over when the sound arosed for 10 minutes. So thought of making me cool and go back.

Thought: All these days he used to obey my words. I was able to control him easily. Nowadays he is giving mental shock to us.

Emotion: I was thinking he is confusing me only. He is confusing you also? How did it came to us??

Thought: Do you know, the soul has been sleeping for these many days, but now it opened its eyes. It started to raise its head. I came out to think on 

how to control it.

Emotion: They are also changing me frequently. So I could not proceed in one way.

Thought: I don't understand you. Tell in the way I can understand.

Emotion: Earlier, they will get angry, shout at each other, fight each other. Then they will not see that person again. So that I could maintain the temperature and the blood pressure. Now, they are fighting. Then going and asking for forgiveness. Going back to love. So my temperature and blood pressure is going up and down. I don't know what to do. The reason for this could be the soul. Shall we join hands and stop this? Yes 'thought' brother! switch on your computer. What is the root cause for this and when did this change came, can you see. January 2006, lot of new thoughts have been registered. Within four days, there have been many altenative thoughts entered. These four days without my control the thoughts have been registered automatically. Who might have turned on the automatic button? Ego or Soul or both of them together?? I have been hiding this button, how did they found it. Think whether alternate thought is there or not.

Thought: Idea is coming... idea is coming... Emotion you can only do it. You are our transport minister. Whatever soul says, you don't accept it and checkout. Don't transmit to me. Whatever am saying to you, just transmit to the body the same, we both can ignore and isolate soul, its fine right.

Emotion: Brother! here only you are missing one point... I can checkout whatever soul said. The message you are transmitting will it be from new or old record. How will I know. Which one should I give to body, how will I know. It is complicated brother. Brother! do what I say. Without the knowledge of the Ego, just erase the new record. I will not inform Ego and play smartly. I will give extra boost to Ego... I will ensure it does not detect it. Is it ok?

Thought: This is one mistake God has done in creation. God has given the control of Automatic delete button to Ego. That is the reason,

I have hidden the two buttons under all the mother thoughts. This soul had stirred it up. So, what do we do now...

Emotion: Shall I do another thing? Shall I go for a total strike to stop touching me, the Emotions coming from outside, from soul and from you. Then Ego

cannot do anything. Then Ego will be suppressed. Then there will not be energy in the body... nothing can be done by soul's energy. How is my suggestion.

Thought: Need to think.

Emotion: Don't think too much, you have very less hair, hardly you have only 10 hairs... then need to wear hat. 

Thought: Emotion dies, Ego dies, body dies.. if soul looses action... what will I do... If I loose my energy.. I will also die. Hey, Emotion, you have confused me too much and you have given me fear. Now I fear whether I will die. Ok! come on Ego may search for us... let us enter into the human being.

Soul: Both of you come here! till now what you both are speaking! Do you think I will not know if you both go out and speak? Tell me the truth.

Both thought and emotion thinks that they are trapped. They both were keeping silent and thinking the other one will speak.

Soul: I will tell. How to control this soul. Making a plan on how to avoid the lead from the soul and then coming back. Is it so?

Both of them together said no to soul. 

Ego: Listen... hereafter don't lie to me anymore. Until these days, you have kept me under your control, made me to lie, made me to steal. Hereafter these

will not happen. I have told you earlier. I have changed my life. Going to delete the older thoughts in the mind. From now onwards I do not need

negative emotion. Hereafter I am going find my spiritual path, and follow the path shown by the soul.

Thought: Sir! Master Ego. This is what is troubling us. For 25 years, you were under our control. We were running. Now you have confused everything! 

we don't know how to lead your life. 

Emotion: Am feeling insecured as if buttering the drum. I could not even breath due to despair. Thats why, thought to leave from you for sometime, take a breath and to plan we went outside. 

Soul: Emotion now you are not able to breath. You felt as despair but then how you decided to plan for a total strike. Through you how did you planned to make us die minute by minute.

Ego: What! are you going to kill me? All these days you made me die saying that you will make me live. Atleast from now onwards allow me to live..

Soul: Come On!

Ego, thought, emotion, body, come on everyone, let us sit and speak.

You all have doubt on how it will be. What will happen to my thoughts that I have registered.... I can understand your feelings. Since I have raised my head, we are going to be happy and live unitedly. Trust me. I do not know the world, when I came came down from above world, I got this body. I owned this body when I came down. But what happened was, body was only empty. When I came, this body was having the emotion, fear was there, some guilty feelings was there.. there were different kinds of thought waves was registered in my mind. I do not understand anything... Then for me what my parents say, my friends say, whatever scenes I have seen through my eyes, whatever the words that I have listened, these all have transformed as my thought waves and registered within me. Boday was doing whatever the mind said. In accordance to that the emotion changed. Sometimes the body was acting as a slave to emotion. Due to fear, I do not know where the life is, I was silent. Since I do not have any choice other than to depend on you, I was leaving it to happen as it comes. But I found one thing. The path that am going is wrong. My longing and thirst are different. But I do not know how to bring into action. In the January month, my friend was taking me to the class "Human Universal Energy and Spiritual Yoga". In the class, my doubts were clarified. Why did I came to the world. How have I got this body. All the thoughts wrote in my brain, feelings in my body have came from my mother. I have not written. Need to start the life with this. Later after getting my clarity of which is good, which is bad, which one I need in my life. Which one I do not need. As soon as I get the clarity to live in this way, I searched to erase the unnecessary, negative thinkings, thoughts, emotions, the divine intelligence living with us helped to locate the delete button under the thoughts. It said, select the unnecessary things and press this button, all these things will go away. Because of this, you got feared on seeing me... but I can understand.

The reason I came to this world from the above world and took this body is to show that, God is love, we have to love each other. In family need to respect each other and give love... then whoever we are meeting in life also, need to be respected and give love. Now when you all cooperate with me, we can complete this quickly. We can live happily, peacefully and satisfactorily. When we live like this, we can get more and more blessings from god. He will also feel happy about us. We will also be happy with him. Then we can create a society of love. For that, if you all can cooperate, then we can do... what do you want to say.

Ego: Soul, why hesitation, since you have told this so clearly. Going to live once, let the generations greet... We are going to press the delete button together. Mind... one... two.. three... emotion... pressed. Aaha... Aaha... joy of light came out beyond the body.

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