Thursday, February 24, 2022

About Two Leaders


About Two Leaders

Malarga Manitham February 2006


Dear Flowers!

I am happy to meet you again in this new year. This cover had crossed years. Prof. Dr. Sir. Antony Jayasuriya had hosted 42 All World

Alternative Medicine Conference. Though he had studied English medicine, Srilankan government had sent him to China to learn Acupuncture.

This he did not study for himself alone but the credit goes to him for taking it all over the world. He had given more importance 

to Alternative medicine and to educate people the credit of opening an university in Srilanka goes to him only.

In my life I have met him in 32nd Alternative World Gongress conference. I have studied acupuncture directly from him. In his college only I have completed

MD and (T.M.) Ph.D. in Holistic. This college had awarded D.Sc. degree to Master Dang and me. These two men are great leaders.

One man runs the spiritual school. Other man runs the world oriented school. The cover picture explains to us the secret of

handing over his college to Master Dang after his time.

He has conducted 40th conference in Australia and awarded the degree to Master Dang. Though they have met each other outside but the secret

is they could not meet related to work. For Dr. Antony Jayasuriya the chakras were not opened 100%. I went to that conference. Both of them

are masters to me. Doctor was thinking Dr. Amala is my student. Master Dang knows that Dr. Amala is my director, in this way, the credit of

connecting these two people goes to you director. This is what you are seeing in the cover picture. Dr. Antony Jayasuriya is a member

of MEL Family.

The great lesson that I learned from Doctor is - If I die, to bury my body only 5 people of my family is enough. 

Bury me near to the place of my parents. Don't build me a tomb. After 3 years, give that place to another body. Those who want to think of

me, think of the knowledge that was received from me and living in knowledge is sufficient. As per his wish, past 2005, on 07th April, 

his body was buried by 5 people (wife, elder brother and 3 of his colleagues). This year without these two leaders their soul power 

had conducted the 43rd conference.

Let us move by keeping them forward and in line with the words Going to live once, let the generations greet.

They taught a good lesson through their life because though they did big things physically, sensing the state of their soul for what

they came to earth, have done that and am going back, let us all follow their foot path.

With love and Truth,

Your Author.

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