Saturday, March 12, 2022

The meaning of serving

 The meaning of serving

Who are we serving? Are we serving with a sincere heart? Where does our attention go? How are we serving?

Let’s take a moment to reflect together.

From the basic level we have been thought a technique to apply to help ourselves, our family, our region to the benefit of all. By practicing and applying our technique we are strengthening our chakra 6 while simultaneously helping ourselves and others. The whole is within the individual and the individual is within the whole. Knowing our identity is important. So is using an intention when applying to direct the energy. We need to use our abilities to contribute, it’s our responsibility to study practice and apply.

Nowadays we are surrounded by so many distractions. Many entertaining shows on TV, video games, social media that can easily keep our minds full at all times. The four factors are very present in our daily lives. These influences are so sneaky. If we don’t make personal effort all these distractions can keep us from developing spiritually.

HUE practitioners more than ever have to make personal effort to keep applying constantly in every moment. In the news you see people suffering around the world. Natural disasters among many other issues reflecting in different regions all around the world. It’s like a constant reminder that we need to be active with our technique. I used to see news solely as a means to remind me to apply, but now the news seems to have taken on a different meaning. Feels like the news is more a call than a reminder, meaning that the world is calling for us to help, for us to use our techniques proactively.  

For example, at work suddenly a student has a client, the client has been waiting for his turn to come to the counter to complain. When the client gets his turn and comes to the counter he angrily starts yelling impatiently at the student. Imagine waiting till a situation happens in front of you before you start applying. How can the student stay calm and have a clear mind to pray in the moment to help him and the client stay calm? How can you expect to remain calm and apply under the circumstances while this client in front of you is yelling? It will take the student great strength to stay calm. It’s like waiting for the situation to escalate or the boat to be near sinking to start doing something to fix it.

Feels like the student should have been applying his or her technique with an intention since he or she woke up in the morning. By doing so the student could have set his or her day. Meaning by constantly applying the student would have spread joy and calmness all around the work environment which would have impacted all colleagues and all those clients that were lucky to walk in the student’s building. The impact would have been greater. And even if you had to deal with an angry client, the client would have become calmer quicker. The student would have stayed focused during the day.

Now to reach this state of constant application, we need to make personal effort. We need to practice and apply with a sincere heart to benefit all. We can ask for the master’s soul to help and guide us to be persistent and diligent in our application. Don’t get discouraged. Our beloved master gave us all the techniques so we can use. Keep and use. Let’s practice and apply proactive daily. In doing so we can make a big impact in our environment. Our mind has to be first in silence so we can apply effectively. Let’s use our technique according to our level with an intention. So we may bring heaven on earth, Long Hoa, the festival of flowers.

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ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா?

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