Saturday, March 12, 2022

Do not waste time questioning the situation or the person in front of you

 Do not waste time questioning the situation or the person in front of you

Apply in every moment. Application is dynamic, act in the moment. Be aware that what you are transforming is inside of you and you are transforming this for all the living creatures on this planet. For example: If there is a person in front of you that triggers negative feelings inside of you, whether it is irritation, anger, sadness, pain et cetera. It is your responsibility to change your intention to match the situation presented and transform this for everyone.

If you are applying continuously already, it would change what is in front of you much quicker. Do not get discouraged. Stay in your application.

The work is within you.

Why is meditation essential

Why is meditation essential

Do you meditate regularly?

From the basic level it has been emphasized that students should take time to meditate for at least five minutes up to a maximum of thirty minutes.

My HUE Facilitator once explained that there was this misunderstanding when it comes to meditation. Because it is believed that in order to meditate you need to be in a perfect place. Meaning that it is believed you must be in a majestic scenery like the Himalayas, such a special place with abundance of green pastures, with the tones of the bells echoing in the background in total silence with nature. It is believed that only then you can be in your Zen meditating in harmony with the singing of the birds in open space, that is until a bird flies too close and drops poop on your head. Then in a fraction of a second you will jump up and curse the bird for doing what it does in its natural element. The point is that you don’t need to have a special place to meditate.

Now we understand that universal energy is dynamic. Meaning that during the daily continuous noise and activity of our lives, our minds have to be active with our application. Because it is in this element we live daily and it is in there that we have to apply and practice constantly to bring the change that will benefit all mankind.

Take time to calm your soul. While you are sitting in the car waiting for your kids to come out of school, while you are waiting for the food to cook in the oven or at work take five or ten minutes to go in the restroom to meditate. Nobody needs to know what you are doing. Take time to meditate more than once during the day. The best moment to meditate is early in the morning before you start your day. Focus on one point while you are meditating with eyes open, don’t pay attention to outside noise. What you need to focus on is the noise that’s coming from the inside. In the basic level we learned a technique to let all thoughts come up and to purify the mind. Imagine the image of Master Luong Minh Dang inside you, imagine his mole on the right side of your face, every time a thought comes up you use your technique according to your level to purify your mind. Empty your cup.

All levels of the HUE school have the technique to purify the mind, to empty the mind so that the application can be more effective. Because what is worth having the frequency and all the knowledge of philosophy but at the moment of application your mind is full of thoughts, then no matter how well you know your technique in theory you won’t be able to help anybody, not even yourself.

So let’s take time to meditate diligently during the day so we can make a difference in the well-being of all mankind.

The meaning of serving

 The meaning of serving

Who are we serving? Are we serving with a sincere heart? Where does our attention go? How are we serving?

Let’s take a moment to reflect together.

From the basic level we have been thought a technique to apply to help ourselves, our family, our region to the benefit of all. By practicing and applying our technique we are strengthening our chakra 6 while simultaneously helping ourselves and others. The whole is within the individual and the individual is within the whole. Knowing our identity is important. So is using an intention when applying to direct the energy. We need to use our abilities to contribute, it’s our responsibility to study practice and apply.

Nowadays we are surrounded by so many distractions. Many entertaining shows on TV, video games, social media that can easily keep our minds full at all times. The four factors are very present in our daily lives. These influences are so sneaky. If we don’t make personal effort all these distractions can keep us from developing spiritually.

HUE practitioners more than ever have to make personal effort to keep applying constantly in every moment. In the news you see people suffering around the world. Natural disasters among many other issues reflecting in different regions all around the world. It’s like a constant reminder that we need to be active with our technique. I used to see news solely as a means to remind me to apply, but now the news seems to have taken on a different meaning. Feels like the news is more a call than a reminder, meaning that the world is calling for us to help, for us to use our techniques proactively.  

For example, at work suddenly a student has a client, the client has been waiting for his turn to come to the counter to complain. When the client gets his turn and comes to the counter he angrily starts yelling impatiently at the student. Imagine waiting till a situation happens in front of you before you start applying. How can the student stay calm and have a clear mind to pray in the moment to help him and the client stay calm? How can you expect to remain calm and apply under the circumstances while this client in front of you is yelling? It will take the student great strength to stay calm. It’s like waiting for the situation to escalate or the boat to be near sinking to start doing something to fix it.

Feels like the student should have been applying his or her technique with an intention since he or she woke up in the morning. By doing so the student could have set his or her day. Meaning by constantly applying the student would have spread joy and calmness all around the work environment which would have impacted all colleagues and all those clients that were lucky to walk in the student’s building. The impact would have been greater. And even if you had to deal with an angry client, the client would have become calmer quicker. The student would have stayed focused during the day.

Now to reach this state of constant application, we need to make personal effort. We need to practice and apply with a sincere heart to benefit all. We can ask for the master’s soul to help and guide us to be persistent and diligent in our application. Don’t get discouraged. Our beloved master gave us all the techniques so we can use. Keep and use. Let’s practice and apply proactive daily. In doing so we can make a big impact in our environment. Our mind has to be first in silence so we can apply effectively. Let’s use our technique according to our level with an intention. So we may bring heaven on earth, Long Hoa, the festival of flowers.

Personal effort

 Personal effort

About three weeks ago I had this image.

I was standing and in front of me lay a running path. The running path was shining, bright and very welcoming. I felt very ready to start sprinting immediately. Cause I knew where that running path would take me and I was eager to get there. As I was warming up I turned my head. And as I turned my head I saw myself standing at a small white counter waiting in flip flops. I felt a little impatient cause the other me is still in flip flops and I had to wait for the other me to be ready to join.

Suddenly I was the other me waiting at the white little counter wearing flip flops. And I felt anxious cause I was waiting at the counter for my running shoes and it was taking too long. I looked down and I could feel my feet in the flip flops. I looked up and was aware of the other me waiting for me to get my running shoes. I was little nervous cause I wasn’t ready yet and I needed to go join the other me to start running together. And even if I wanted to go to the other me now I knew in that moment I couldn’t cause I wouldn’t be able to make the sprint in flip flops on the running path, so I needed my running shoes to join.

As I was thinking this morning about personal effort I remembered this image. As you know the soul is ready and eager to finish its mission. The soul knows what’s waiting at the end of the running path. The body on the other hand needs to get ready to join the soul. I see the image of the white little counter representing the body using the three pillars of the school, study practice and apply, in the material world to work towards enlightenment, so that the body is able to join the soul. The shoes symbolize our hidden abilities and capacities. Without personal effort you won’t get your shoes.

Our beloved master did sacrifice a lot so that today we have all the techniques to heal, transform and create. All we have to do now is make personal effort to keep and use. How else are we going to get there? Getting there is a process. We need to have courage and be persistent. Like an athlete we need to get ready and train, do our utmost effort. Strengthening our mind. Cause the soul is ready to sprint. It’s the body that needs to catch up. Make the time to meditate daily and regularly to help the body. Pick-up your practice and application. In doing so your body will reach enlightenment and you will make your soul very happy.


 Received from a HUE student:



As soon as we are born we have to comply with certain requirements. We get a name, a nationality, a social security number that’s depending on the region we are born into. Religion has already been decided by our parents, caretakers, or social workers. Sometimes before we get home we already have all the toys and books that were chosen for our educational development. But what about our spiritual development. As soon as we start growing up we begin to slowly forget our true identity, our true self. As we grow up we are being introduced to the 4 factors. We are thought as we grow up who to trust, what to be afraid of. How we are supposed to behave and look according to society. Schools keep our learning records which determine our future. The anxiety of graduating is instilled in us.

I remember a teacher that thought me a great lesson. I must have been in my early teens when I was struggling at school with a couple of my classes, but I was especially failing in her class. She told my mother during a parent night that I’m not progressing that I will fail and that my mother should consider transferring me to another school for kids with learning difficulties because I was slow and I was not going to graduate. My parents told me the possibility of having to go to another school and I promised them I would do my best. One day as I was struggling to understand what the teacher was explaining she called me stupid and made fun of me in class. I must admit at that moment I felt very sad. I remember I prayed for help at that moment. And something happened while I was quietly sitting there in class. I thought I truly wanted to be a good student. I suddenly felt this inner strength come over me and I was no longer sad. I just knew what I was going to do. I felt determined that I was going to excel. From that day on it took me many sacrifices, because I had to put aside all the distractions (TV, video games, etc.) and completely focus on my studies. But I was too determined to think about the distractions honestly. I studied till late. And on other days I slept very early and woke up very early in the morning to study because those were the very quiet times I could concentrate better. And I kept going for months like that. At the end of the last semester, I get my report card and to my surprise and to many of my teacher's surprise I did excel. My mother went to the parent’s school night, and she told me when she came back home, that she was asked at school what I was doing because I managed to get my grades up in the class I was failing but also got my grades up in all the other classes, which was almost unheard of especially in the last semester. The great lesson the teacher thought me was that I had all that I needed inside of me to succeed. Hadn’t the teacher pushed me I would have never reached inside for that inner strength. Sometimes it gets comfortable and being passive is easier than being active. We all have that spiritual strength inside of us. Do not let the outside tell you who you are. Make sure you know your true self.


How do we know when we are in our true selves?

The purest essence of love lives inside our hearts. It’s our soul that is our true self. When we are not entertaining the 4 factors (fear, worry, overthinking, and anxiety) we are in our true selves. When we are connected to the master’s soul and using our technique to help humanity we are our true selves. We need to reconnect with the highest power, the higher frequency. In doing so we will have the spiritual strength to fulfill our mission. We will be able to discern between what’s real and false. And what’s temporary and eternal. For so long since we were very little we have been told what’s right and wrong. When we are in our true self we will have the understanding that all is one. Talk to your soul.

Humans helping Humans

 Humans helping Humans

The HUE slogan has always been “Humans helping Humans”, and for many years I took it to heart. I always tried to be the “helpful” one at home, school, work, and even in my group of friends. I was always disposed to lend a hand, if necessary, to the point of over-extending my help to the point of exhaustion, or as we now call it a “burnout”. And I only used meditation as a form of relieving my stress to “help” more.

What I have overlooked was that “Humans helping Humans, is not ONLY the act of doing community service, making donations, or giving a shoulder to cry on when someone needs it. It is primarily about helping the souls in the spiritual world, through the method of applying. Moreover, helping someone in the material world, for me at least, fueled my EGO. Getting and enjoying the recognition of doing something seemingly selfless, was selfish on my part. To be truly selfless is to be an unknown soldier and help the ones in need for the benefit of all through the method of your HUE application.

As hard as it is to admit, I was so afraid of the new. I still held so much value to what I can see instead of focusing on the bigger picture. I would rather sign up for a beach clean-up and complain the whole day about the weather or the organization of the event, than just simply apply my technique with positive intentions for the betterment of humanity. What I did not realize at the time was by having all these negative thoughts while trying to help, was causing more harm than good. Having these Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) in your head constantly, multiplies it for all of humanity. What I should have done was go in with a more positive mindset and apply constantly to multiply the positivity. Only then Humans are truly helping humans.

Conquer yourself

 Written by a HUE Student:

Conquer yourself

We need to set a time in our daily schedule to practice to clear our thoughts, this is crucial. Meditate every day. Apply continuously during the day. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be in peace and tranquility. 

Have you suddenly felt irritated, angry, or anxious? Have you for no reason snapped at someone around you. A coworker tells you something and you snap. Or you’re feeling suddenly incredibly angry at your wife or kids. Please remember to handle your emotions. Meaning using your technique to calm yourself. Don’t walk around angry, immediately take care of practicing your technique, meditate. Do your breathing exercise, drink a glass of ice-cold water, pace around the room or hall to release the tension, and if you’re still feeling angry go to sleep. Just like a computer you shut down and go to sleep. When you wake up you’ll feel calmer. Another example that also comes up a lot is anxiety: Have you felt anxious to double-check or triple-check, that you turned off the stove? Or that your car is locked? And after you have checked you walk away feeling still a little unsure that you did turn off the stove or lock your car. Be aware of what’s in your mind.

Thoughts are powerful. Remember that thoughts are souls. For example, God forbid that one day you enter the kitchen and find the dirty dishes that your spouse promised to wash the night before. Just a look from you with a nasty thought does the same damage as harmful words, it cuts as sharp as the blade of a knife. So make sure you have a calm mind. Do your breathing exercises. You have the techniques to calm the mind. We need to be in the constant application during the whole day. Had you been in your application continuously than any situation that presented in front of you, you would have been able to handle it more quickly because you would have been calmer. So make sure that your mind is silent and always active with your application. Your spouse will do the dishes in time without you having to ask. Just apply and don’t sit and wait for him to do it. Just let go of expectations. Conquer yourself first then you will never have to ask your spouse to do the dirty dishes. 

Words are powerful. For example, at work, a group of coworkers starts gossiping about another colleague’s short dress. Can you imagine how many thoughts, souls, are coming in and out, it’s like a Mardi gras, a carnival up there in the mind. When gossiping the voice carries a frequency that can be very damaging for both the ones who are doing the gossiping as for the person they’re gossiping about. Let alone the harm they are all doing to the environment. Please don’t entertain gossiping. Energy flows where the attention goes. 

Sometimes we think and talk too much. We argue too much about anything and everything. Let's not create with our words and thoughts unnecessary chaos or create a suffocating environment for our loved ones and all those around us. Let's take responsibility. Silence your mind. We need to work on the inside to change the outside. Conquer yourself and you’ll bring harmony to your environment. 

‘The Whole is within The Individual and The Individual is within The Whole.’

Wednesday, March 2, 2022



உலக பணக்காரர்கள் 1000 பேர் வரிசையில் ஆயிரத்தின் அருகில் இருப்பவர் நைஜீரியாவை சேர்ந்த பெமி ஓடெடோலா ஆனால் அவர் தான் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியான பணக்காரர்கள் வரிசையில் முதல் இடத்தில் இருப்பவர்... 

அவர் ஒரு நேர்காணலில் ஃபெமி ஓடெடோலாவை தொகுப்பாளர்  பேட்டி எடுத்தார்...


வாழ்க்கையில் மகிழ்ச்சியான மனிதராக மாற்றியது என்ன?" என்ற கேள்விக்கு ..

ஃபெமி கூறினார்:

"நான் வாழ்க்கையில் மகிழ்ச்சியின் 4 நிலைகளை கடந்து விட்டேன், இறுதியாக உண்மையான மகிழ்ச்சியின் அர்த்தத்தை புரிந்துகொண்டேன்."

1.முதல் கட்டமாக செல்வத்தை குவிப்பதாக இருந்தது. ஆனால் இந்த கட்டத்தில் நான் விரும்பிய மகிழ்ச்சி எனக்கு கிடைக்கவில்லை.

2.பின்னர் மதிப்புமிக்க  பொருட்களை சேகரிக்கும் இரண்டாம் கட்டம் வந்தது. ஆனால் இந்த விஷயத்தின் விளைவும் தற்காலிகமானது என்பதை நான் உணர்ந்தேன், மதிப்புமிக்க பொருட்களின் மீதான ஈர்ப்பு நீண்ட காலம் நீடிக்காது.

3.பின்னர் பெரிய திட்டங்களைப் பெறுவதற்கான மூன்றாம் கட்டம் வந்தது. நைஜீரியா மற்றும் ஆபிரிக்காவில் 95% டீசல் விநியோகத்தை நான் வைத்திருந்தேன். ஆப்பிரிக்காவிலும் ஆசியாவிலும் நான் மிகப்பெரிய கப்பல் உரிமையாளராக இருந்தேன். ஆனால் இங்கே கூட நான் கற்பனை செய்த மகிழ்ச்சி எனக்கு கிடைக்கவே இல்லை.

4. இறுதிக்காலத்தில் தான் யதார்த்தமாக என் நண்பன் அவனுக்கு தெரிந்த பள்ளியில் ஊனமுற்ற  குழந்தைகளுக்கு சக்கர நாற்காலி வாங்கி கொடுக்க சொன்னான், சுமார் 200 குழந்தைகள்.

என் நண்பனே கேட்டதற்காக நானும் உடனடியாக சக்கர நாற்காலிகள் வாங்கினேன்.

ஆனால் நண்பனோ  நானும் அவனுடன் சென்று சக்கர நாற்காலிகளை குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஒப்படைக்க வேண்டும் என்று வலியுறுத்தினான். சரி நானும் மனமாறுதலுக்காக அவருடன் சென்றேன்.

அங்கே நான் சக்கர நாற்காலிகளை குழந்தைகளுக்கு என் சொந்த கைகளால் கொடுத்தேன். அப்போது அந்த குழந்தைகளின் முகங்களில்  விசித்திரமான பிரகாசத்தை நான் கண்டேன். அவர்கள் அனைவரும் சக்கர நாற்காலிகளில் உட்கார்ந்து, சுற்றி நகர்ந்து வேடிக்கை பார்த்தனர்.

அவர்களின் ஆனந்தத்தை என்னால் விவரிக்கவே முடியவில்லை...அது எனக்குள் ஏதோ சொல்லமுடியாத அற்புதத்தை உணர்ந்தேன். 

எல்லாம் முடிந்து நான் வெளியேற முடிவு செய்த போது குழந்தைகளில் ஒரு பெண் குழந்தை என் கால்களை செல்லமாக பிடித்து கொண்டது,  நான் சிரித்து கொண்டே என் கால்களை மெதுவாக விடுவிக்க முயன்றேன், ஆனால் குழந்தை என் முகத்தை உற்றுப் பார்த்து கொண்டே விடாமல் இறுக பிடித்து கொண்டது

நான் குனிந்து குழந்தையிடம் கேட்டேன்: உனக்கு வேறு ஏதாவது வேணுமா? என்றேன்.

இந்த குழந்தை எனக்கு அளித்த பதில் மிகுந்த திருப்தியை தந்து வாழ்க்கையைப் பற்றிய எனது அணுகு முறையையும் முற்றிலுமாக மாற்றியது.

 அந்த குழந்தை கூறியது  இது தான்: 

‌"நான் உங்கள் முகத்தை நினைவில் வைக்க விரும்புகிறேன், உங்களை  சொர்க்கத்தில் சந்திக்கும் போது, உங்களுக்காக கடவுளிடம் பேசி நான் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்ததை வாங்கி தருகிறேன் என்று சொல்லி அந்த சக்கர நாற்காலியில் ஏறி மற்ற குழந்தைகளுடன் விளையாட சென்று விட்டது... 

மகிழ்ச்சியின் அர்த்தம் விளங்கியது...

ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா?

ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா? நம் 'HUE வகுப்பு நமக்கு சொல்லி தருவது 'ஆன்மா' என்பது கடவுளின் ஒரு சிறிய பாகம். இது ஒரு சிறிய பாகமாக...