Thursday, February 24, 2022

True Incident

 Malarga Manitham - November 2001

True Incident
Mental illness is for whom?
Translated by Mr. ArunKumar
One mother came to me and said "Dear Sister, see my child. Something in her mind and troubling us by showing signs
(not speaking). Not eating, not taking bath. Not wearing good dress. When we consulted the docter, he is saying "your child is
suffering from mental illness". Dear Sister, my child is not suffering from mental illness. Someone did black magic / witchcraft to
my child and family. Please help, keep your hands and pray for us", like this a mother cried with garlands of tears and caught my hands.
"There is no chance that your child can be affected by mental illness. When i see you on that day in school parents meeting, as a mother
you were only writing the beautifull sentences in the board. Those golden words got registered in my heart.
The Greatest gift, parents can give their children is their love. Mother is food, she is love, She is warmth. she is means.
To be loved by mother means, To be alive, to be rooted. To be at home.
How come the daughter can suffer from mental illness whose mother wrote those beautifull sentences?
"Dear Sister!" the child shouted. These all are lies, this is only for the notice board. No parents do this.
Mother is food: what is the meaning for this? The mothers are just cooking something, dump into the lunch box, and asking us to take it to
the school.
She is love: To whom? These people are loving only the intelligent students.
She is warmth: Till morning 5'o clock only anger tempo comes from them. She is earth: Only we could laugh.
To be rooted at home: These people are living in a big home which is made up of Bricks, Cements and marbles. Attractive to the eyes;
if entered inside could find things and clothes scattered around everywhere. Home of dustbin, is this one was written as home?
No love at home. No god. No devotion. Money was abundant. But there is no mind. No donation and no dharma.
"Father! God! enough, enough. Ear is paining. Child, yes mother. Women need to be educated. But when the education made them to work and
transformed them to a man, from then on they are not women. Two men are there in home. Handfull of salary. No woman there! the women
become men. Can a man become a woman? Beautifully those who come for the function can observe that you wrote as Home Virtues,
do you remember that?
The beauty of a home is harmony The security of a home is loyalty The joy of a house is love
The plenty of a house is in children
The rule of a house is in contented spirits
Dear lady! Why are you writing which you do not prove in your life? In another 10 years like this many children will suffer from mental illness.
That too importantly they will be daughters of the teachers".
Oh Mother! Don't curse.
"The name of this is not curse. Truth. Like this child was saying, your love you are giving to intelligent students, in the morning
your children going to school, evening sending to another teacher for tution and you converted your home to a hotel.
Then what disease you are expecting from your child otherthan mental illness? You do not realize your mistake and why are you
blaming others that someone did black magic?
First go to your luxury home, convert to a family. Until then this child shall be with me. Until you start thinking,
Job and money is not important; only child is important then you come and invite your child. The true asset is not money and materials,
only our loved ones are. When you are realizing this then you can come and invite your child...
Welcome! Daughter Welcome! in this ashram you have love. Loveable god is present. Peace of mind is present. Happiness is present.
Even though you do not have your parents, i will be your mother. As soon as i say spend your life with me, the child
came running and hugged me.
Mothers who are working! please think. Walk your talk. Writing in boards is enough. Think and perform.
Dr. M. Amalavathy.
Amjad Ballary, Chandru Shekar and 3 others
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