Thursday, February 24, 2022

Last year Daily Morning Meditation Master quotes


Last year Daily Morning Meditation Master quotes

August 24

God does not only attribute to us the mission to save humanity when catastrophes occur. God also attributes to us many important and serious tasks, including the task to prevent these destructive catastrophes.

August 25

The quality of our thought is the most important difference between man and animal

August 26

To communicate withGod you need to have sufficient energy

August 27

Love others sincerely.

Help others enthusiastically.

Forgive all their faults or mistakes, and encourage others' capacities and qualities.

If you can do all this, it is certain that you will have luck.

August 28

People only teach you to worship heroes, genuises, scientists, or founders of religion. The Buddha, Christ or the Prophet does not need you to worship or praise Them in the foolish way of the present time.

They only need you to have the wisdom and enlightenment to utilize the tools of the light of wisdom and enlightenment, the light of love and compassion to help people.


August 29

To meditate is also to develop your mental capacity to the point of enlightenment; that is, the understanding of the absolute Truth. You can only reach that point though personal efforts;no one can give it to you as a gift.


August 30

Study Spirituality is to learn about the power of the Supreme Being, in Universal Energy Healing we refer to as God. Naturally God is an invisible Being, with absolute wisdom and power.


August 31

We can see God as the power of creation because God is the ruler of the creative power who made the particles of all matter and antimatter, created all visible and invisible entities, color, sound, light and all the thoughts and emotions. God in Universal Energy Healing: "God designs all the interaction matter and antimatter, between visible and invisible beings in this world as well as in the infinite and everlasting universe."


September 1

The power and knowledge of a spirit depend on amount of the energy it has. God's energy changes its characteristics changes and its capability increases.


September 2

We have the Spiritual power to communicate with the Deities, Divine Beings to ask for help, guidance on the Spiritual and physical path, everything you wished for but could not have outside Universal Energy Healing school.


September 3

Studying Spirituality is to learn wisdom, enlightenment to help people to escape from illusion, mistakes, and suffering to look for peace and happiness for oneself, one's family, people and country. To bring happiness and peace to the spiritual body, people need to learn and obtain wisdom and enlightenment, which is the objective of studying and practicing Universal Energy Healing. Without Wisdom of the body, we can never find people's happiness. Without wisdom of the enlightenment of the spirit, we cannot be liberated. We can only find wisdom and enlightenment through the spiritual way, and we cannot find wisdom and enlightenment by the physical way.


September 4

Love is one of the objectives of Universal Energy Healing.

That is why in the Logo and the name Universal Energy Healing School there is the word "Love". The other two objectives are Mankind and Enlightenment Love" is similar to the symbol of the 3-sided Pyramid in Universal Energy Healing but it has many special meaning and great benefits.


September 5

Love is the primary objective of Universal Energy Healing

so we can say that Universal Energy Healing is a School of love. First of all it is the love from God to human beings. In another word, because of God's love that Universal Energy Healing School exists.



You only need to receive love from god, share abundantly, and sincerely with others, without calculating, requesting, nor seeking privilege, but only loving and giving with all your capacity. I do not expect anything beyond your capacity. If you can do this, you certainly have not only luck but much luck, in one thing or another, in one place or another, at one time or another.



Paradise is found here on Earth. When you are not sick, when your family is happy, there is no image equal to that.



Human can have right or wrong thoughts, correct or incorrect decisions

Good or Bad actions and each individual is held responsible for his own thinking,

decision and action. Because of the freedom, the individual

who follow the guidance of good and angel are good people.



Learn to love your soul, only then you can help others.



Suffering is a result of human unconsciousness

To avoid sufferings does not mean that we have to runaway from world, but to clear the unconsciousness in order to have wisdom and enlightenment.



When you receive my answer directly, I will let you sense it though the three chakras (C5, C6 and C7). that is sign of my true answer

When I answer you directly in your thoughts, I will let you sense it by these three chakras. 

One of these three chakras, Some time you sense it on two chakras, some time in all three chakras



You spent money, time and effort to learn to FAIL and not to SUCCEED.


Conscience is the voice of god



You must remember that you were able to receive these teachings, you must be aware that the abilities you have now, are bestowed upon you by God, for the purposes of helping humanity out of true love and genuine compassion



You are afraid of the bad but you keep it inside of you and that is the greatest error of humanking



If you renounce your greed and desires. you will love everybody. And God will be with you



Devine thought is our master, and we must respectfully accept it



Do not worry; if your intention is to help humanity, you can be sure that God will grant you his favors and give you his blessing under all its forms



You spent money, time and effort to learn to FAIL and not to SUCCEED.


Sep 20:

Thought and feeling have close relationships. Thought cannot exist without feeling and vice versa. Feeling without reason is impossible.


Sep 21:

When you devote all your heart, all your time bringing your true love, the energy from God, to your loved ones, then your heart, your soul, your mind will have no room for negative feelings, negative thoughts, no room for resentment.


Sep 22:

To improve our conscience, develop our loving heart and to express our spiritual insight is the deed of a person who follows the spiritual path, who fight against evil thoughts, acts against evil sins.


Sep 23:

I am God's messenger with my help you can communicate with God because my spirit was sent by God down to this world to you and humanity.


Sep 24:

Heart is not only the life of a human body but it is also the inner feeling, emotion, mentality of the person.


Sep 25:

There are four factors that block our minds, our hearts and our souls from the higher level of INTELLIGENCE, the truer expression of LOVE and the real definition of PEACE: 1. Too busy, 2. Worry too much 3. Think too much 4. Afraid


Sep 26:

HUE method is a way to help mankind to raise its level of consciousness in order to get back to "TRUE SELF".


Prayer is the way people can communicate with the Deities, to whom they trust.



God sends many angels to earth to help people. These are Angels who stay hidden inside each person that you often refer to as conscience.



Our enemies are not human beings- by killing them who should we live with- Our enemy’s name is dishonest-our enemy’s name is doctrine- Our enemy’s name is a label.



Spirituality is a study of the invisible and mystical realms. The most accurate meaning of spirituality is the powers and mind that have the invisible, non-physical characteristics, which is different from the powers and mind of the physical entities such as the brain and the human BODY.



When I look at you and see that you are bad, I try to help you and make you become beings of kindness again. It is not because I see that you are bad that I am going to abandon you. I am not like that.



When one’s mind is focused on one goal, the entire nervous system can be summoned to achieve it. The intensity of the “electric current” (which for the moment we call human energy) becomes so high that it can influence and change the surroundings. For a force in a raw state to manifest itself the mind must be in a state of emptiness. The problem though, is being able to create for oneself an abundant source of bio-energy and being ready to project this universal energy onto the outside world at will.



Students in universal energy to do something that is more urgent and needed. Both you and I should bring god’s mystical power and capability to express Love, philanthropy and compassion through our practical actions to help ourselves, to help other people, to transfer energy to heal others with health problems, to transfer energy to help plants to grow, to transfer energy to a certain region to have peace, to transfer energy to help nature, to help the universe to bring world peace to pray for the wandering should to be liberated to pray and learn from God enlightenment and wisdom, so we can live and deserve to be humans, to be God’s children.



Do you realize that when humanity will have a smile on its face, when it will live in joy, your force will then be unlimited?



We must enjoy the present moment and accept things as they are.



The most important factor, therefore, is true caring for others.



Your heart should show a sincere love for the person who is in pain.



For a force in a raw state to manifest itself, the mind must be in a state of emptiness.



We must act in the interest of the whole rather than the individual.



The reason Universal Energy exists today is to ease the suffering of people in order to create a harmonious society in future.


Day 1 (11-Oct-2021)


·       To meditate is also to develop your mental capacity to the point of enlightenment; that is, the understanding of the absolute Truth.  You can only reach that point through personal efforts; no one can give it to you as a gift.


Day 2 (12-Oct-2021)


·       With the physical body, all humans are influenced by tradition, culture, family, society etc.  Therefore, we can only express Love up to 70% maximum.  After leaving this body, our soul can fully express Love 100%


Day 3 (13-Oct-2021)


·       I hold onto the key to open the door to truth for you And truth is reality; truth is God.


Day 4 (14-Oct-2021)


·       To fail in bringing happiness is better than succeed in causing suffering


Day 5 (15-Oct-2021)


·       As it, happens to you, it is yours.  It is your own trial.  It is your own training in the spiritual path.  It is your own progress.  Therefore, when you encounter difficult trials, you should accept them.


Day 6 (16-Oct-2021)


·       When you are in peace, you thank God once, but when you have difficult trials, then you should thank God twice!


Day 7 (17-Oct-2021)


·       The truth about the Deities is that they have no appearance, no color, and no name.  It is a supernatural energy, it is omnipotent, perfect, and constantly changing in order to create the infinite universe, in which we find our beloved planet.


25th Oct

Spiritual change is the foundation of evolution, wisdom, enlightenment and eternal life

26th Oct

Spiritual change is the root to reach enlightenment and activate the god gene

27th Oct

Unconscious learning is the new spiritual lesson

28th Oct

The nature of energy transfer is the nature of "All forms are one"

29th Oct

Truth can only be realized by the acts of kindness

30th Oct

Fear has blocked the development of human latent activities

31st Oct

When you are selected by god, in one way or another, god makes a plan for you to come to learn universal energy healing


8th Nov

The soul is God.It is the part of God that resides in us so when we connect with the soul we connect with God at the same time.

9th Nov

Love others sincerely.

Help others enthusiastically. Forgive all their faults or mistakes, and encourage others' capacities and qualities

10th Nov

Without God's constant love, help, care and attention, our physical body can never survive, not even for one minute or one second

11th Nov

The more active you are in life and society, the more contact you make with other people, and the more obstacles, challenges and difficulties you will encounter.

12th Nov

Forgiveness can be done according to the spiritual guidance of God and the energy of Heaven Above.

13th Nov

Wisdom and Enlightenment are the highest state of mind from God, so you need to learn directly from God. Only God can teach you about Wisdom and Enlightenment through the Spiritual path to have direct contact with God

14th Nov

Everything God teaches is the Truth and it is the Truth that you can learn, apply and practice.


19th Nov

But you need to remember you have to use wisdom and enlightenment then Universal energy can be more effective when you apply for critical objectives of helping human life

Purification is to get rid of the thinking based on Dogma, Discrimination or doubt.

The thinking process that is influenced by others or punishing those who don't abide. You get rid of these things so the human latent abilities and spiritual energy from the deities that are hidden deep within your heart can shine.

- Master Dang from "Spiritual teaching in Universal energy book - Page 40"


20 Nov

When mentioning that I open the chakras 100% for you, It means, I represent God to give you a special capability and spiritual power.

That time it takes for me not even 1 minute. But it is an infinite power, Mystical ability that can totally transfer your body to the spirit


21 Nov

Believe in my Spirit (soul)

Soul has the capacity to help you

Call upon my spirit which is next to you, it will come to help you.

You all will go to light. I will be the last one to come.


22nd Nov

Between Human beings and God there is always an invisisble link that can be equivalent and inter related

23rd Nov

Prayers are the communication links between the invisible spiritual bodies and so we don'tneed any formality, ritual, location, time and space.

24th Nov

We only need one flash of thought, that doesn't last even one second and God already sees through completely and clearly everything inside of us such as our mind, emotion, wish as we pray.

25th Nov

Without God's constant love, help, care and attention our physical body can survive not even one minute or one second.

26th Nov

Only with God's ability you are able to send a wandering soul back to God to continue on to learn or to follow the cycle of reincarnation.

27th Nov

"Living & evolving" are the laws of heaven and earth. "Life-aging-sickness" is the law of humans.

There is no living creature that doesn't evolve whether it takes a long or short time.

28th Nov

Prayer requires the content and purpose. You can pray only for something that can be justified.

You can pray only for something with a good and decent purpose.


Since I follow the spiritual path alone and if you wish to be just like me then you follow the spiritual path and you will achieve it.



As it happens to you, it is yours. It is your own trial. It is your own training in the spiritual path. It is your own progress. Therefore, when you encounter difficult trials, you should accept them.



I am guiding you so that we achieve the conclusion to help the humanity develop spiritually quickly.



Although time and space last endlessly, the practitioner should do one’s utmost to achieve self-cultivation.



I hold onto the key to open the truth for you. And truth is reality; truth is God



Bring Love to erase hatred.



You always think and bring negative into you.


December 20

The path we are traveling is the path of help to humanity, which is like God's path. Once you are on it, once you have accepted to learn this and to help all people, you no longer need to worry about anything.


December 21

The ego is a product of borrowing of mental energy from other people or the external environment. When a child is born, he does not have the ego and he is innocent just as a plant or flower.


December 22

I am guiding you so that we achieve the conclusion to help humanity develop spiritually and quickly.


December 23

You are afraid of the bad but you keep it inside of you and that is the greatest error of human kind.


December 24

Learn to love your soul, only then you can help others.


December 25

You think it, you create it.


December 26

When you are in peace you thank God once, but when you have difficult trials, then you should thank God twice.

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