Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Feedback for HUE Philosophy

 Praveen Kumar :

Namaste President 🙏
It's really an eye opening for us. President is having good regards on India and highlighting we don't have time and we have to come forward at the earliest for the humanity and to practice Hue philosophy.
President explaining clearly and elaborately and it's indicated me what I am doing wrong and what I need to do.

Suba k:
Excellent learning session....this helps us to clear many queries within us.    Thanks for the opportunity

Actually i got the correct answer from precident the same was existing very long time with me and now it's cleared and refresh myself through using my level technics and it's cleared where iam doing the mistakes and iam ensuring here after i will not repeat the same and here iam saying thank you very much lot to precident.thanks

Dear President, really this session is an eye opener session. We must get rid off too much worry, anger, sorrow and anxiety and fill us with love, peace, joy and tranquility to help the mankind.Thank you for your valuable & profound session.

Dear President, thank you very much for HUE philosophy session and that too only for India. We were able to get into the depth of Master Teachings. More we learn and grow, more we can help the humanity.  Thank you giving brief explanation on many questions. Thank you again for your valuable session. We respect your love, great efforts, time and support towards us. With Love and greetings, by Rajkumar.

Senthik Kumar Chennai:
Namaste President and Beloved Sister !

The session was excellent and deep rooted on the following points

Sacrificing time to help others

President Joy is to help others and to teach students

You will get support from higher beings on each level

Wherever you go apply HUE Techniques. Also are we doing it ?

How many hours are we doing the technique per day ?

How body slowly absorb the UE when you apply the technique while sending energy.

Truth is one and it reflects to us in split of the second. We need to be silent enough to capture them. We need to practice inner silence to get those voice.

Are we ready to spend / give one hour per day on HUE technique and application ?

More complaints on others is the root cause of negativism.

All MESS UP is inside you and that is the reason of cause and root cause of more stress. Practice self healing according to your level.

No judgement to others. No peace because of your judgement ONLY.

We can send out all negativism by bringing in God energy only. That is the reason master dang gave us breathing technique.

Breathing exercise will give more energy to organs which helps much more support to Humanity for doing services

Hue energy will also help to understand the teaching of master when you belive them through practice

Emotional maturity comes when we practice and apply master techniques

Wandering soul reminds us on to use the hue technique.

Every living thing have a soul which can be enlighten / evolve through hue support.

Chakra opening 100% makes us to connection with God always. Our job is to practice and do service.

Finally, I loved President happy smile throughout the session. Sisters stylish face whipping mannerism before delivering points to students.
Thank you !!.

Now I am doing maditation  around 25 mins without distraction using the President technique.
Thank you all

Dear President,
It was a nice session and learning to me,  reminds on the teachings of Master and HUE philosophy, giving energy transfer with focus, clear mind to help people and everyone around.
Also one of the basic level student present in the session yesterday, today shared to me that it was a long wait for me to be in basic level, now realizing and want to do next level in near future, whenever next class is scheduled.

Vibha :
Dear President,
Thanks for the HUE philosophy session.
The session was really helpfull, I'm able to practice meditation and use techniques more effectively with the techniques you shared. It's really helping me to remain calm with the clearing technique.

Thank you so much 🙏

Dear President
Thank you for this opportunity to Indian students.It was useful for me to concentrate more applications on the moment and clarity of mind.
Once again thank you for your support wishes and effort to us .
Thanks to MEL Trust, lndia.
With Love

Dear President,

Thank you so much for your support and blessings towards Indian students, we are more blessed since we are experiencing the master and his teachings through you and Sister🙏

The session was more clear and deaper to understanding the each Level purpose and responsibilities, and also it was cleared almost blocks to move forward in the spiritual path as well as meterial things.

Thank you once again for your love.
With Love,
Amjad M Ballary

Suganthi Whatsapp:
Dear President,
Thank you for this opportunity for Indian students. This session was very helpful to understand the  depth of Master teachings. I learned, don't get emotion while struggling, in that time should apply Master techniques with clear and calm mind. I understood, should apply all the techniques Master taught. 
Once again thank you President, Our sister and Raman brother.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

With love

Dear President,
         Thanks spend your valuable time with the Indian MEL family. Your answers & sharing of mater words enlightening as and making as to go deeper into ourselves. Heartful thanks to sister & Raman brother for arranging  such a wonderful session.

With love

Van Mathy :
Namaste President,
Thank you for taking time to conduct HUE Philosophy session for Indian Students. Your flexibility to guide us to understand masters teaching is helping us a lot, especially to grow faster spiritually. Usually in my regular life to come back to inner silence it will take ample amount of time. When I attended the session, it was easier to learn the lesson at that very moment and come out of it.
Thank you sister, Raman brother and others for giving us this blessings.

Kumari :
Namasthe dear President,

Firstly, I apologise for my internet connection was not steady and I missed/did not translate for some time.

It was a wonderful Session. I realised calmness is the key, whatever may be the situation, which was lacking in me, especially with my loved ones.  When HUE techniques are applied with calmness, intention and faith, I see miracles begin within me and spreading to my surroundings.  There is joy within which tells me to have patience and allow everyone to grow at their pace. I am able to help them unconditionally.

Thank you so much dear President.  Future Sessions will be definitely helpful and encouraging. Greatful to Sister and Raman brother for the initiative.

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ஆன்மாவுக்கு வளர்ச்சி தேவையா? நம் 'HUE வகுப்பு நமக்கு சொல்லி தருவது 'ஆன்மா' என்பது கடவுளின் ஒரு சிறிய பாகம். இது ஒரு சிறிய பாகமாக...